Effective trade show marketing can be an incredible way to promote your product or service. In a trade show environment, many companies will be competing for the audience’s attention, so it’s important for you to ensure that your marketing stands out. To maximise your return on investment from the cost of exhibiting at a trade show, check out our top five tips:
- Don’t Underestimate Design
You have a limited amount of time to capture the attention of your audience and entice them over to your space. Consider graphics, lighting, seating, uniforms, the functionality of the space and your messaging. Your branding should be consistent and easy to identify but not obtrusive or visually agitating.
- Simplicity Is Key
Trade show attendees will be absolutely loaded down with promotional literature, so consider methods you can use to lighten their load and encourage follow-up communication. Hand out leaflets directing the audience to more information rather than heavy brochures, give out data pen keyrings with your promotional literature pre-loaded, or ask visitors to provide you with an email address so you can send a PDF brochure after the show (following GDPR best practice of course!).
- Interactive Exhibits Win
Engage the audience when they visit your space so that your brand is memorable. Consider a prize wheel, augmented reality experience, or even a digital photo booth. These interactive elements can be developed to generate multiple touchpoints and can even be used to create user-generated content with sharing and hashtag competitions and prizes.
- Think Outside The Hall
Opportunities for promotion happen in many areas, not just in the main exhibition hall. Consider the use of a street team outside the event giving visitors a reason to visit your stand such as a voucher they can redeem for a free coffee, small prize, or discount voucher.
- Gather A Crowd
A tried and tested way to get more people to attend your space is by gathering a crowd, as others will want to see what the fuss is about! How do you make people gather at your stand? Give them a reason to hang around. Consider comfortable seating, a free coffee machine (or inexpensive coffee machine with all profits going to charity), mobile charging stations, hourly giveaways, a wifi station, an engaging promotional video, interactive elements, and snacks.
Looking for an interactive experience to get you noticed at your next trade show or event? Contact our creative team today,